Hallstatt on the Lake
With pastel-coloured houses and churches with tall spires that
cast shimmering reflections on the crystal clear water of the
lake and with towering mountains on all sides, Hallstatt is
one of the most picturesque villages of Austria.
Hallstatt · Austria | 2018
31 Jul 2018

Lake Zell
Lake Zell is a small freshwater lake in the Austrian Alps, taking
its name from the charming lakeside city of Zell am See. The bluish
body of water is surrounded by tall mountains of 2-3000 meteres.
The Grand Hotel is a major landmark by the lake.
Zell am See · Austria | 2018
30 Jul 2018

Zell am See Panorama
The panorama view of Zell am See, a pretty Austrian town on Lake
Zell, south of the city of Salzburg, from the peak of 1,965-metre
high Schmittenhohe. Two hikers enjoy the great outdoors as a
small plane zooms up the sky.
(Click here for a larger image.)
Zell am See · Austria | 2018
29 Jul 2018

A newly-wed bride kisses her groom at the Inn Bruke riverside
of historic Innsbruck, the bustling capital city of Austria’s
Tyrol region. Colourful heritage houses lie across the river
with towering mountains as the backdrop.
Innsbruck · Austria | 2018
28 Jul 2018
28 Jul 2018

Neuschwanstein Castle
Appearing through the mountaintops like a mirage, Schloss (Castle)
Neuschwanstein is a 19th-century Romanesque Revival palace in
southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by
Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and in honour of Richard
Wagner. It was the model for Disney's Sleepig Beaty Castle.
Hohenschwangau · Germany | 2018
27 Jul 2018

Top of Germany
A flock of crows soars above Zugspitze, the highest peak of
Germany at 2,964 metres, as a mountain climber reaches the
golden marker for the peak. On a good day, views from the
German rooftop extend into four countries.
Zugspitze · Germany | 2018
26 Jul 2018

Munich Residenz
The Residenz (Residence) in central Munich is the former royal
palace of the Wittelsbach monarchs of Bavaria. The Residenz is
the largest city palace in Germany. The complex of buildings
contains ten courtyards and displays 130 rooms.
Munich · Germany | 2018
25 Jul 2018

St Peterskirch
St Peterskirch (St Peter's Church), dominating Marienplatz
in Altstadt (Old Town), is the oldest church in Munich,
Germany (1150 AD). It has a baroque ceiling fresco by
Johann Baptist Zimmermann and rococo sculpture by
Ignaz Gunther.
Munich · Germany | 2018
24 Jul 2018

Escape Velocity by Leo Villareal
New York-based artist Leo Villareal, who works with LED
lights to create complex, rhythmic artworks, opens
Escape Velocity - his first solo show in Hong Kong
at Pace Gallery, through 7 September.
Villareal works with pixels and software to create rhythmic,
non-repeating and random compositions of light. Firmly rooted
in abstraction and the psychology of perception, his work is
purposefully open-ended and ethereal, encouraging viewers
to draw their own interpretations.
Central · Hong Kong | 2018
23 Jul 2018

Jimmy Pang at Hong Kong Book Fair
Jimmy Pang Chi-ming, head of Sub-Culture Ltd, is angry that
the three Chinese bookstore chains which is owned by the
Chinese government and control 70-80% of the market, had
refused to carry three of its recently-published books titled
Dreaming of Xi Jinping, Anti-Chinese and Anti-Communism.
Sub-Culture is well-known for publishing books on local
sub-cultures, popular culture, support for Cantonese
dialect and politically-sensitive subjects that few
are willing to publish or carry.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2018
22 Jul 2018

Rally for Freedom of Association
1200 pan-democrats march from Southorn Playground to the Police
Headquarters on Saturday to protest the unprecedented move of
using the Society Ordinance to ban the National Party which
is seen as a move to silence dissenting voices and
opposition political parties.
The pro-independence Hong Kong National Party, with less than
100 members, was launched in 2016 amidst rising localist
sentiment. After co-founder Andy Chan Ho-tin was barred from
running in Legislative Council elections in 2016, it has
focused on promoting its cause online and handing out
leaflets in secondary schools.
On Tuesday, the city’s security chief gave the party 21 days
to justify its existence or be banned in the interests of
national security. The Society Ordinance is intended to control
the Triad Societies and has never been used. It is ironic that
it is now used against a political party.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2018
21 Jul 2018

Karry and Wing dance, choreographed by Wayson Poon at the
first solo exhibition of Chinese artist Liu Wentao at
Pearl Lam gallery at H Queens, through 17 July.
The canvases are composed of meticulous straight lines drawn
by rulers and pencils in different degrees of hardness,
exploring the space conceived by the distortion from
two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality.
Central · Hong Kong | 2018
20 Jul 2018

Rainbow Over BE@RBRICK
BE@RBRICK Summer Chill transforms Ocean Terminal Deck, the
observation deck with 270 degree harbour view, into a 'beach'
and invites over 30 BE@RBRICKS with 8 brand new summer looks
to join the beach party. A rainbow appears after the shower.
Two over 4-meter-tall giant 'sand sculpture' BE@RBRICKS,
including one 7000% BE@RBRICK who greets all visitors
and one 8000% BE@RBRICK lying on the grand steps to
enjoy sun bathing, through 5 August.
Tsimshatsui · Hong Kong | 2018
19 Jul 2018

Protest for Freedom of Association
Pan-democrats launch a protest at the Police Headquarters on
Wednesday against the unprecedented move of using the Society
Ordinance to ban the National Party which is seen as a move to
silence dissenting voices and opposition political parties.
The pro-independence Hong Kong National Party, with less than
100 members, was launched in 2016 amidst rising localist
sentiment. After co-founder Andy Chan Ho-tin was barred from
running in Legislative Council elections in 2016, it has
focused on promoting its cause online and handing out
leaflets in secondary schools.
On Tuesday, the city’s security chief gave the party 21 days
to justify its existence or be banned in the interests of
national security. The Society Ordinance is intended to control
the Triad Societies and has never been used. It is ironic that
it is now used against a political party.
Wanchai · Hong Kong | 2018
18 Jul 2018

Graffiti on the Rooftop
Extensive graffiti is seen on the rooftop of a old Chinese
tenement building (Tong Lau) in the heart of the city.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2018
17 Jul 2018

Bright Idea by Jean Jullien
Revered French illustrator Jean Jullien has just the idea
for a eureka moment collaborating with K11 on its 10th
anniversary with the 'Bright Idea' exhibition, through
31 August.
Tsimshatsui · Hong Kong | 2018
16 Jul 2018

Deng Xiaoping Bust
A bust of Deng Xiaoping, paramount leader of China from 1978
until his retirement in 1989, lies with other curios in a
street store in Shamshuipo.
After Chairman Mao Zedong's death, Deng led his country through
far-reaching market-economy reforms and opening to the global
economy. Deng survived two major purges and put in two-term
limits for the President in the 1980s as part of his effort
to ensure that China was never again subjected to a crushing
dictatorship like that of Chairman Mao and the turmoil created.
Deng was the architect for 'one country, two systems', which allows
the co-existence of communism and capitalism for Hong Kong and Macau.
Hong Kong has seen tumultuous times over the past few years, with
pro-democracy protests quelled and elected legislators disqualified
by creeping interference by Beijing. President Xi Jinping eliminated
the term limits for president and vice president in 2018 and can
stay in power after his second presidential term expires in 2023.
The high degree of automony for Hong Kong promised is threatened.
Shamshuipo · Hong Kong | 2018
15 Jul 2018

Urban Exploration
An urban explorer discovers interesting light and shadow
in an abandoned building in the heart of the city.
Kowloon · Hong Kong | 2018
14 Jul 2018

Hundreds Mourn Liu Xiaobo One Year On
About 500 gather at Tamar Park to mourn Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace
Prize winner of 2010, a university professor turned human rights
campaigner, was jailed in 2009 for inciting subversion for 11
years. Liu died under Chinese custody on 13 July 2017.
Liu Xie, his widow, has just left China after eight years of
illegal detention. The 57-year-old poet and artist left
Beijing for Berlin on Tuesday morning. Her younger brother,
Liu Hui, is not allowed to go with her.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2018
13 Jul 2018

Kat Coetzee Performs at Racecourse
Kat Alice Coetzee, the dynamic singer from Johannesburg,
South Africa, performs at the last Happy Wednesday of
the season, at Happy Valley Racecourse.
Happy Valley · Hong Kong | 2018
12 Jul 2018

Liu Xia, Widow of Liu Xiaobo, Left China
Liu Xie, the widow of Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo, has left China
after eight years of illegal detention. The 57-year-old poet
and artist left Beijing bound for Berlin on Tuesday morning
aboard a Finnair flight, friends say.
She had been under effective house arrest in Beijing since her
husband won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. Liu Xiaobo, a
university professor turned human rights campaigner, was jailed
in 2009 for inciting subversion and died in Chinese custody last year.
After eight years of house arrest her physical and mental well-
being were deteriorating. The fear was that she, like Liu Xiaobo,
might die in captivity. Finally, four days before the first anniversary
of her husband's death, a sustained diplomatic effort, led mainly by
Germany, has worked and she has realised her dream to get out.
Her younger brother, Liu Hui, is not allowed to go with her.
This picture is taken at a Free Liu Xia signature campaign led by
'The Bull' Tsang Kin-shing of The League of Social Democrats.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2018
11 Jul 2018

Silent Protest by Lawyers Against '709 Crackdown'
Hong Kong Lawyers and activists gather at the Court of Final Appeal
at 6 pm and stand silently for 7 minutes 9 seconds to protest the
mass arrest of human rights lawyers in China on 9 July 2015
on its third anniversary on Monday, undaunted by rain.
Three years after the '709 crackdown' on rights lawyers, many of
about 321 rights lawyers, legal assistants and activists arrested
across China are still in jail, detained or under strict surveillance.
Wang Quanzhang has been detained and remained incommunicado for
nearly 1100 days and he was not allowed to meet with his family or
defense lawyer. Others like Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen, Jian Tianyong,
Wu Gang and Yin Xuan are still imprisoned; Yu Wensheng and Li
Yuhan are still under detention.
The activists also condemn the new trend of admistrative punishment
by revoking the licenses of the rights lawyers. Since the 19th
Communist Party Congress, licenses of 16 rights lawyers and
3 law firms had been revoked or invalidated.
Central · Hong Kong | 2018
10 Jul 2018

Protesting China's Arrest of Rights Lawyers of 9 July 2015
Activists from the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group and
other groups march from the Western Police Station to the China
Liaison Office protesting the arrest of rights lawyers on 9 July 2015.
Three years after the '709 crackdown' on rights lawyers, many of
about 321 rights lawyers, legal assistants and activists arrested
across China are still in jail, detained or under strict surveillance.
Wang Quanzhang has been detained and remained incommunicado for
nearly 1100 days and he was not allowed to meet with his family or
defense lawyer. Others like Zhou Shifeng, Hu Shigen, Jian Tianyong,
Wu Gang and Yin Xuan are still imprisoned; Yu Wensheng and Li
Yuhan are still under detention.
The activists also condemn the new trend of admistrative punishment
by revoking the licenses of the rights lawyers. Since the 19th
Communist Party Congress, licenses of 16 rights lawyers and
3 law firms had been revoked or invalidated.
Western · Hong Kong | 2018
9 Jul 2018

Yulia Muses at Six-Part Practice
Yulia, an artist from Vladivostok, muses at Six-Part Practice,
an exhibition by artist Wing Po So that delves into scientific
perspective at JC Contemporaryof Tai Kwun Centre for
Heritage and Arts, through 15 August.
The 170-year-old Central Police Station compound has been
revitalised after an eight-year, HK$3.8 billion (US$484 million)
project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
SOHO · Hong Kong | 2018
8 Jul 2018

Remembering Marco Polo Bridge Incident
Activists from Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong pay respect to the
Memorial of Comfort Woman near the Japanese Consulate at
Exchange Square on the 81st anniversary of the Marco Polo
Bridge Incident of 7 July 1937 after a protest march
organised by 'The Bull' Tsang Kin-shing of the Action
Committee to Defend Diaoyu Island on Saturday.
On 7 July 1937, Chinese troops clashed with Japanese troops stationed
at Marco Polo (aka Lugou) Bridge, 15 km outside Beijing. Many see this
as the start of the brutal Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) which
would see massacres in cities such as Nanjing and Xuzhou, and the deaths
of perhaps 14 million Chinese, with more than 80 million becoming refugees.
During World War II, girls and women, called Comfort Women, were forced
into sexual slavery by the Japanese military. Many of the women were
from Korea, China, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia,
Taiwan, and Indonesia, etc. Estimates of number of Comfort Women
are as low as 20,000 to as high as 410,000.
Central · Hong Kong | 2018
7 Jul 2018

Supreme Meme by Zevs
Supreme meme, an exhibition of new work by the influential French artist
Christophe Aguirre Schwarz (aka Zevs, pronounced Zeus, like the Greek god).
For his first exhibition in Hong Kong since his arrest in 2009 for painting
a liquidated Chanel logo on the side of the Giorgio Armani flagship store,
Over the Influence gallery features new canvas works, installation pieces,
performance and sculptures, through August 4.
A pioneering and prominent graffiti artist in Paris since the 1990s, Zevs
is renowned for his signature 'Liquidation' series in which he fearlessly
disfigures highly recognizable logos into deconstructed forms. The classic
trademarks of established global brands - Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Coca-Cola,
Google, among others - are effectively deformed or 'liquidated', subversively
debased into thin bands of dripping paint.
Sheung Wan · Hong Kong | 2018
6 Jul 2018

Tissage by Pascale Marthine Tayou
Tissage by Pascale Marthine Tayou, an installation artist of Cameroon
descent, currently based in Ghent, Belgium. It means to weave, using
air-conditioning conduits to form an intricate lattice structure that
covers the entire gallery wall. To achieve a fuller meaning in life,
we must liberate ourselves from the constraints of institutional
and political structures.
Part of 'Nylonkong Dreams', Tayou's impressive first solo exhibition
in Hong Kong at Pearl Lam Galleries in Pedder Building, through 17 July.
Nylonkong, short for New York, London and Hong Kong, the leading financial
centres that share similar economic and cultural traits. These metropolises
are crossroads for our civilization where many personal dreams are realized.
Central · Hong Kong | 2018
5 Jul 2018

Historical State Theatre
The State Theatre is a former cinema in in the North Point, Hong Kong.
Concerns were raised in 2015 that it may be demolished in the near
future. The building was listed as a Grade I historic building in
March 2017 with a special feature on the roof.
The cinema opened in December 1952 as the Empire Theatre. It closed
in 1957, and reopened in 1959 as the State Theatre, following
extensive renovations. The State Theatre closed in 1997.
North Point · Hong Kong | 2018
4 Jul 2018

Dawn Discovers Abandoned Piano
Dawn, an architecture student from Manchester, discovers
a Morrison piano in an dilapidated apartment in an
abandoned club while doing urban exploration, one
of her favourite pasttime.
Kowloon · Hong Kong | 2018
3 Jul 2018

Kacey Wong Caged for Democracy
Visual artist Kacey Wong caged himself outside Government headquarters
while playing the Chinese national anthem to protest against the
numerous political prisoners in China and Hong Kong plus the impending
draconian law on national anthem, as tens of thousands marched
for democracy in Hong Kong, marking the 21st anniversary of
city’s return to Chinese rule on Monday.
Admiralty · Hong Kong | 2018
2 Jul 2018

50,000 March for Democracy
50,000 march for democracy in Hong Kong, according to the organiser,
marking the 21st anniversary of city’s return to Chinese rule. Many
defy police warnings by joining in after the official start from
Victoria Park, where a celebration organised by a pro-China group
that took over the six footall courts is attended only by a
handful of people.
The protesters marched from Causeway Bay to Government headquarters
in Admiralty demanding 'End one-party dictatorship'. The event comes
under unprecedented pressure from authorities and this reporter
was almost barred by the police from taking the above picture.
As the protesters arrived at Government headquarters, they are greeted
by visual artist Kacey Wong caging himself while playing the Chinese
national anthem to protest against the numerous political prisoners
in China and Hong Kong plus the impending draconian law on national anthem.
Causeway Bay · Hong Kong | 2018
1 Jul 2018

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