Exploring Deserted Luxury Club House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted luxury club house.
Completed in 1979, the club house served the 200 units of a luxury resort. It included games
arcade, pool tables, projection TV, a library, restaurant areas, lounges, kitchens, sauna and
what was once the largest private pool in Hong Kong. Evidence of a fire is seen in part of the
building. Massive debt and years of legal wrangling led to the closure of its club house in the 1990s.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
31 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Hakka Mansion from 1930s
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Hakka mansion.
Built in the 1930s, the 2-storey Hakka mansion has a central courtyard with a pond. Apparently,
it has been deserted since 1989. Furniture and personal items, including a sewing
machine, are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
30 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Quarters
An avid urban explorer ventures into deserted quarters.
The 4-storey building served as staff quarters. It has been deserted for a while. Furniture
and items are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
29 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Village House
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted village house.
The single-storey house has a large living room, 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. There are
chic woman clothings in the wardrobe. Apparently, it has been deserted since 2000.
Furniture and personal items, with lots of porn VCDs, are scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
28 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Tong Lau from 1950's
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Tong Lau.
The building was completed in 1959. It has 7 storeys of 2 units each with a nett area of 441-602 sq ft.
It has deserted for a while. Some of the units are empty but most have a large number of
personal items and furniture scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and
not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2021
16 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Seaview Villa
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted luxury villa.
Constructed in 1966, the 3-storey villa is located on the beachfront and enjoys expansive seaview. There is an outdoor swimming pool in front and balconies on the first and second floor.
It has been deserted for a while and most of the furniture and personal items has been cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of only taking pictures, leaving no
traces, and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2021
26 Jul 2022

An old man enjoying his cigarette on the busy streets of Shamshuipo in Hong Kong.
Shamshuipo. Hong Kong | 2022
25 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Nunnery
An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted nunnery.
The 3-storey nunnery was built with unique octagonal windows. There are balconies on the
first and second floors. A shrine is located at first floor. Apparently, it has been deserted
since 2011. Furniture and personal items are scattered throughout the building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
24 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Luxury Mansion in Upscale District
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted luxury mansion in an upscale district in Hong Kong.
The 3-storey mansion was completed in 1955. Access to the first floor is via a gorgeous
and ornate staircase. There are many exquisitely designed mirrors throughout the building.
An indoor swimming pool, a spa and a bar are located on the ground floor. Furniture
and personal items has been mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
23 July 2022

Exploring Deserted Nunnery
An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted nunnery.
The 2-storey nunnery is one of the 3 buildings in the compound. The stairs leading to the first
floor, where a shrine is located, is nearly collapsed. Apparently, it has been deserted since 2000.
Furniture and personal items are mostly cleared.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
22 Jul 2022

Photojournalist Liu Heung Shing Shares his Views on the World
Pulitzer Prize winner and documentary photographer Liu Heung Shing used his iconic works
to capture two extremely important historical moments in the 20th century: the rise of China
through the upheaval of its economic reforms and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Liu shares his views of the world with his initmate knowledge while working on site at one
of the seminars at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2022. From China to Russia, he views daily
life as the touchstone of the times, and uses photography to show the ideology influence
that fell upon the common people and social outlook.
Wanchai . Hong Kong | 2022
21 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted European Villa
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted European Villa.
Built in 1927 in Classical Revival architecture with symmetrical plan. An imposing
entrance gives access to a large central reception hall with rooms on either
side in the Palladian style. The side rooms extend to the rear as wings to
form a three-sided courtyard.
A staircase gives access to the upper floor. A classical red-brick facade featuring
white painted columns, balustrades, and window surrounds, is a style popular in
Edwardian times. A segmental pediment surrounds the projecting central bay
over the entrance porch, and a domed cupola is situated on the flat roof
behind the pediment. The first floor has shuttered windows. A European-
style fountain stands in front.
The mansion was owned by a rich Choi family. After the death of the owner in
1944, the family members moved away and the house was deserted, falling into
disrepair. It is said that 7 people were drowned there and it is haunted. Rumour
has it that during the night, people heard women screaming and crying.
It was rated as a Grade I historic building in 2007 and then Grade II in 2010.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
20 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Elegant Hakka Mansion
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted Hakka mansion.
Built in 1932, the elegant traditional Hakka mansion, has been long deserted, hidden
behind bushes. It is typical of the Hakka 'two-halls two-horizontal' residential
building in Mei County, Guangdong. It is the only single residential building
in Hong Kong listed as a Grade I historical building.
The exquisite lion carvings on both sides of the gate beam have been removed.
The half-moon-shaped fengshui pond in front of the house has been overrun by
reeds and bushes, and the eaves are in disrepair and dilapidated.
The mansion has 16 rooms, 2 halls and 2 inner courtyards. The hall is the central
axis of the house, with bedrooms and kitchens on either side. The courtyards have
a pond each, and the wooden doors of the rooms are exquisitely carved. Both
design and colour are tasteful. Most of the furnitures are gone.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture,
leave no trace and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
19 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Century-old Pawn Shop
An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted pawn shop.
Established in mid to late 18th Century, the 2-storey pawn shop moved to the current site in 1910.
The exterior was built with green bricks, featuring a wooden sliding door at the front entrance,
and a strong and waterproof foundation constructed with three layers of granite, reflecting
the wealth of the building owner.
Next to the pawn house is a 2-storey high security storage warehouse built with firearm embrasures.
Inside, there was a large metal safe and some wooden shelves for storing pawned items. It appears
to have been deserted since 1977. It is rated a Grade I historic building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
18 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Senior Home
An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted senior home.
The private senior home for elderlies over 65 years old is not government-assisted. It can
accommodate up to 60 seniors in partitioned cubicles. It has been deserted for a while.
Personal belongings and furniture are scattered throughout
the building.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace
and not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2022
17 Jul 2022

Exploring Deserted Chic Tong Lau in 1950's
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted chicly-designed Tong Lau.
The building was completed in 1959. It has 7 storeys of 4 units each with a nett area of 441-602 sq ft.
It has deserted for a while. Some of the units are empty but most have a large number of
personal items and furniture scattered throughout.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and
not revealing the location.
Hong Kong | 2021
16 Jul 2022

Neon-coloured Washroom of Phenomenon Restaurant
The gorgeous neon-coloured washroom of Phenomenon Wine Dine restaurant in Tsimshatsui.
The stylishly-designed sea-view restaurant is located at The ONE in Tsimshatsui with floor-to-ceiling
glass to enjoy a 270-degree view of the Victoria Harbour. It offers fusion Western food, fine dining.
Hong Kong | 2022
15 Jul 2022
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